I did a big thing. I developed the Village on the Bluff in Thunderbolt, GA. That is really funny to read right now for many reasons…
I’m ELATED to write that the Village is finally ready for its big photo op. Our press release goes out TODAY. The ribbon cutting is Tuesday. And I’ve got 3 more cottages to finalize before photos in 5 hours. No bigs.
The ribbon cutting will be at 2 PM Tuesday, March 7th at the Village, 2919 River Drive Thunderbolt GA 31404. Both flats and cottages will be open for viewing afterwards until 7:30 PM. Overflow parking is at Tubby’s, 2 doors down.
ALSO, we are doing a 2 week stint in the Village Store with Vintage Vend, a Savannah-based pop up market. This begins March 6th. Please come and SHOP with us and help us test out this potential full time retail tenant.
THANK YOU to all of you who have encouraged and helped me over the years. The Town USED to be notorious for being difficult to work with so I an INCREDIBLY proud that this project came to fruition.
Special thanks to my Mom for being a saint, holding her tongue, and not calling me a diva (at least to my face).
Village Store will host our first retail guest, Vintage Vend, starting March 6th.